Summer school
Freshwater ecology and water quality assessment:
Changing prospects in the face of the “-omics” revolution
Aug 29 - Sept 02, 2016

The summer school addresses scientists and students in the fields of water quality assessment and aquatic molecular diversity. An important aim is to bring together a cadre of young scientists from diverse backgrounds, including aquatic ecology, microbial ecology, molecular microbiology, chemistry, and bioinformatics, to share information that can lead to interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and exploiting the potential of the emerging molecular methods in the field of water quality assessment.
Download the flyer for more information, programme and speakers.
All applicants should register via the from below by June 30th, 2016. Deadline extended till July 12th!
Registration closed
Accommodation will have to be organized by the applicants themselves, you will find hotel suggestions in the event flyer.
The total charge for the five days (not including accommodation) will be € 80. For participants interested in the day trip to Amsterdam on Wednesday, 31st of August, there will be an additional charge of 25 €.