EBZ Business School

The EBZ Business School (EBZ BS) – is officially approved as University of Applied Sciences by the Ministry for Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the Federate State of North Rhine-Westphalia and is sponsored by non-profit-making foundation the EBZ - Europäisches Bildungszentrum der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft (the Euopean Education Centre of the residential housing und real estate businesses). The EBZ BS is a research intensive University of Applied Sciences, which is focused on the scientific excellence and research orientation of teaching. It is its aim to increase the state of research and knowledge. Primarily the development processes of the residential housing and real estate markets are being analyzed from a social, cultural, ecological and economical point of view. Also recom-mendations are drawn up for actors of enterprises, associations as well as politics and man-agement authorities. Furthermore urban and regional research topics are worked on, which are closely related to housing and real estate subjects.
PhD Students

Dr. Stefanie Jeschka
More information:Sustainable valuation of the impact of water management measures on the development of neighbourhoods