Innovative adaptation measures for heavy rain events - community development and awareness raising in municipalities of the Ruhr area
The expected increase in heavy rainfall events, which we are aware of through the yearly intensive media coverage of the catastrophic heavy rainfall consequences, puts more pressure on the implementation of adaptation measures at the municipal level. However, the inner-city degree of sealing and the high population density make the implementation of heavy rainfall adjustment measures more difficult due to the competition for land and the large number of residents with partly conflicting interests. Therefore, the risk perception of citizens and their willingness to participate in the planning and implementation process of heavy rainfall adaptation measures will be examined. It is important to analyze appropriate forms of participation and to assess their impact on the acceptance and behavior of citizens. In addition, a cost-benefit calculation for participation will be conducted.
- PhD student: Dr.-Ing. Leon Netzel
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Denecke (UDE, Engineering)
- Supervisor: Dr. Steven Engler (KWI Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen)
- Mentor: Sonja Heldt (Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband)
- Mentor: Dr. Michael Walther (KlimaExpo.NRW)